Survival Bracelets
I recently obtained a survival bracelet from the good folks at It came in my favorite colors which happen to be purple and gold, go LSU Tigers. It is comfortable to wear and the buckle has a built in whistle.
What is a survival bracelet?
It is typically made with paracord also known as 550 cord. It is typically military spec woven cords with an outer nylon covering. The inner core is braided with up to seven strands of yarn. This type of rope or cord is called kernmantle and is very strong due to the way it is constructed and has a minimum breaking strength of 550 pounds, hence the nickname 550 cord.
Uses of Survival Bracelets
Anyone who has ever served in the military can tell you of multiple uses of paracord. It has been used to replace torn boot laces, strapping to secure items, improvised slings, hammock, or it could be used in a life and death situation to egress from a multi story building. There is word that it has been used on space shuttle missions and was even used for emergency repairs of the Hubble Telescope. Have you ever been hauling a load of lumber and need additional rope to tie down the load? I just read a story of a lifeguard who rescued a drowning swimmer who was very overweight. The straps to the spinal immobilization board were too short to go around the torso of the drowning subject and the lifeguard used his survival bracelet to improvise a longer strap. The importance of having cordage available is so great that many survival manuals recommend always having it and the uses can be so many and varied it would be impossible to name them all.
Styles of Survival Bracelets
There are many different styles of survival bracelets depending upon the colors and the type of weave used to create it. Crisis Cord TM uses many styles of buckles depending upon your taste. You may select a simple clasp, whistle buckle, or just a knot to secure your bracelet.
If you do not care to wear a survival bracelet you can use it on your key ring or clasp it to your pack. They also produce key fobs, necklaces, belts, and probably anything else you can think of.
Crisis Cord is a 100% American owned company and was created by a Paramedic with a dream. A portion of each sale goes towards a scholarship to help aspiring EMT's and Paramedics. If you use your bracelet in a survival situation it will be replaced for free. I liked it so much I got one for my wife and kids as well!
To get yours visit, you can also find them on Facebook.

What is a survival bracelet?
It is typically made with paracord also known as 550 cord. It is typically military spec woven cords with an outer nylon covering. The inner core is braided with up to seven strands of yarn. This type of rope or cord is called kernmantle and is very strong due to the way it is constructed and has a minimum breaking strength of 550 pounds, hence the nickname 550 cord.
Uses of Survival Bracelets

Styles of Survival Bracelets

If you do not care to wear a survival bracelet you can use it on your key ring or clasp it to your pack. They also produce key fobs, necklaces, belts, and probably anything else you can think of.
Crisis Cord is a 100% American owned company and was created by a Paramedic with a dream. A portion of each sale goes towards a scholarship to help aspiring EMT's and Paramedics. If you use your bracelet in a survival situation it will be replaced for free. I liked it so much I got one for my wife and kids as well!
To get yours visit, you can also find them on Facebook.